Friends of Youth

About Us
The Palmetto Optimist Club is a volunteer organization dedicated to bringing out the best in the youth of the Sumter, SC community. By providing hope and positive vision Optimists bring out the best in youth, our community and ourselves.
Join us on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7pm at the Sumter Chamber of Commerce.
Call us at (803)847-5834
Email us at
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @PalmettoOptimistClub
Download the complete 2024-25 Calendar
Join us for an exciting year of community engagement and support by downloading the Palmetto Optimist Club calendar of events for 2024!
Our calendar features a lineup of memorable occasions aimed at making a positive impact, including the Sumter Microbrew Festival, Savor Sumter Burger Cook-off for Childhood Cancer, Reading in the Park, and Crochet Night for Childhood Cancer.
Each event is an opportunity to connect, contribute, and create meaningful change in our community. Whether you're a beer enthusiast, a foodie with a heart for charity, a book lover, or a craft enthusiast, there's something for everyone to enjoy while supporting noble causes.
Mark your calendars and join us in making a difference together! Download the calendar now to stay informed and get ready for a year filled with joy, compassion, and community spirit.
Exciting News for Students! - Scholarships
Exciting News for Students!
The 2024-25 Optimist International Scholarship Contest Topics Are Here!
Are you a student with a passion for writing, speaking, or critical thinking? This is your chance to shine and earn scholarship awards! Optimist International is proud to support students in achieving their educational goals through these annual contests.
Explore our scholarship opportunities:
Essay Contest: Showcase your writing skills on this year’s thought-provoking topic.
Oratorical Contest: Deliver a powerful speech to inspire and engage others.
​Interested students can learn more about each contest, eligibility criteria, and application details by clicking on the contest name below. Don’t miss this opportunity to share your voice and work toward your dreams!
Application deadlines vary, so act now!
Let your talents speak for themselves. Apply today!

Donate a Duffle Bag
Children in foster care often arrive in care with the clothes on their backs or all of their personal items in a garbage bag. Your $20 donation will purchase a duffle bag for a child in foster care at Crosswell Children's Home in Sumter, SC. The Palmetto Optimist club will personalize the bag with the child's name and deliver it to the home. Click the duffle bag to the right to make your donation.

Donate New or Used Bicycles
The Evening Optimist Club of Sumter conducts an annual a project for underprivileged youth in the Sumter Community called “Cycles for Christmas”. Over the last 25 years more than 5000 bicycles have been given to needy children in the Sumter area. This year the Palmetto Optimist Club would like to continue to support that effort.
“Cycles for Christmas” involves collecting used bicycles, donated by individuals throughout the county, and having them repaired and/or refurbished to be distributed to deserving Sumter young persons. The Sumter County fire stations have agreed to serve as our drop off points again this year. The cycles are being collected, sorted and repaired by Optimist and other volunteers.
Donations can be made at all Sumter Area Fire Stations.
(Alice Drive Fire Dept. preferred) If you need bikes picked up or would like to volunteer your time, contact Tom Lawrence 803-983-2875.